

Tenison Woods Catholic School is now providing a more convenient way for parents and caregivers to make various payments to the School. Qkr! (pronounced 'quicker') is a mobile payments app which enables consumers to order and pay for goods and services directly from their smart device.

Qkr! accepts all major credit cards and debit cards accepted by the school (Visa and Mastercard) and you can register more than one card within the app.

The Qkr! app is available from the App Store and Google Play. If using an iPad you can download the iPhone version of Qkr!. You can download and register for Qkr! now to pay school fees, make purchases from the uniform shop, Subway and Vili's lunches.

Download the PDF file for instructions on how to download the app.

Should you have any questions regarding the use of the Qkr! app, please contact the school. We hope you enjoy the flexibility in managing school payments. 



To ensure our communication with families is consistent, easily accessible and relevant to your experience at TWCS Audiri is used. The features of this particular app mean all news, information, forms and reminders will be posted on the Audiri app, meaning that you will have the information at your fingertips when you need it most.

The benefits of using this app mean that you will be automatically connected to your children’s classes, whole school news and announcements. It also has the ability for you to notify the school of any absentees. 

Download the PDF file for instructions on how to download the app.



Seesaw is a platform for empowering students to demonstrate and share their learning. When students share their learning in their Seesaw portfolio, families gain valuable insights into what their children are working on.

How does Seesaw Work?

∙ Students use Seesaw’s intuitive tools to demonstrate learning in a portfolio.

∙ Families see their child’s work and leave comments and encouragement.

You will be connected via a QR code provided by your child's class teacher.