
Our commitment to our school families is to offer a high quality Catholic education that is accessible and affordable to all.

Annual School Fees 2025

Full Fee per Student $2,990
Low Income Fee $1,795


What is included:

  • tuition incl. education programs
  • educational materials and resources for the incl. stationery & art materials.
  • all costs associated with technology supply and support. Yr 3-6 students are issued with their own personal MacBook Air for use at school and Rec-Yr2 iPad 1:1 students. TWCS do not require students to buy or supply their own device.
  • class excursions and incursions.
  • annual swimming/aquatics  program.

This charge does not cover extra curricula sporting fees such as basketball, netball, soccer, cross country etc; participation fees are capped at $15.00 per student per event.

Lower Income Fee:

Low Income Fee is granted to families who are eligible for  School Card. The School Card Scheme is administered by the State Government to provide financial assistance towards the cost of education for full-time students of lower income families.

The School Card process will be linked to the Centrelink Customer Reference Number and confirmation will be given by Centrelink that your income falls within the eligibility limits.  School Card Applications will be in the form of a Statutory Declaration (Form A) that is signed declaring that your gross family income falls within the eligibility income criteria.  Form A is available either from the Front Office or from the DECS website.  Lodge completed forms at the Front Office accompanied with your Centrelink card, which will be sighted, photocopied and returned to you.

Any parents/carers who have queries or require further explanation regarding School Card can contact either the School’s front office 8131 7900 or DECS School Card Section on Freecall 1800 672 758.  

More information about our fees can be found in our Fees Policy, which is available for download below.

You are also welcome to contact the School office with any questions.