School News

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3/4T Class News


Year 4 Camp to Woodhouse

On Wednesday of Week 4 the Year 4 students from 3/4T along with the Year 5 students from 5/6P left school for their camp to Woodhouse. The students arrived at the Bunkhouse accommodation full of excitement and anticipation for 2 nights and 3 days of non-stop activities. Once settled into their dorms the activities began straight away with the students tackling the obstacles of Challenge Hill and testing out their teamwork skills on the low ropes activities. Once back at the Bunkhouse dinner was served and devoured. The night activities involved a student talent show which provided a lot of entertainment. The second day at camp saw the students engaged in billycart construction and racing, camouflage games, shelter building, orienteering, water ecology and critter hunting. Dinner was once again served and devoured which led the students to a quiz night activity and the very popular and at times very challenging night walk. On the third and final day the students had the opportunity to play in the labyrinth maze before the many tired heads boarded the bus back to school.

Woods Week

Last week was a very significant week in our school year with the Year 3/4T class celebrating the life of Father Julian Tenison Woods. The students were fortunate enough to be part of creating a portrait of Father Julian Tenison Woods as seen in the gallery below. The class also took part in celebrating Mass with Father Peter and had the privilege of visiting Flora McDonald Retirement Community to do art activities with the residents. The week of celebrations culminated with Sports Day last Friday and all students demonstrated the Character Strengths of zest, teamwork and perseverance consistently throughout the day.

Tom Atyeo
3/4T Class Teacher