School News

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Visible Learning


The staff continue their Visible Learning journey.

Students in all classes are presented with Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for each Literacy and Numeracy activity.  The next stage of the journey will be refining our success criteria so there will be different levels of success evident for each student as they progress through their learning journey. Through the term the leadership team conduct a 'Walk Through'.  During this time the students are asked questions about what they are learning and how they know they have learnt it. This information is used to track the impact on learning outcomes the Visible Learning Strategies are having.

In 2020 we continue our Journey with Corwin Visible Learning.  We will be working on how to track the progression of students learning and creating a range of success criteria that match those progressions.  This will give our students the agency to track their learning and know what they need to learn next.

In the coming weeks the Year 2 – 6 students will complete online Progress Achievement Tests (PAT) in English, Maths and Punctuation & Grammar (yr 3-6).  These tests are completed each year to measure a year’s academic growth for each student.  Staff will analyse these results as well as the NAPLAN results and use the information as part of our planning for our students for 2020.

Sarah Byrne
Leader of Professional Practice