School News


25th Anniversary & Opening of New Learning Centre


On Nov 1st our community celebrated the Official Opening of our Learning Centre and the 25th birthday of Tension Woods Catholic school.

1997 saw the amalgamation of St Joseph’s and Kilmara Catholic Schools on the Richmond site.  Over the past years the space has changed with new buildings, playgrounds, increased enrolments and a staff now of 28.

With special guests including Archbishop Patrick, Fr Long Hai, past staff and school board members, the windy and wet day could not dampen the enthusiasm and singing of the children.  We thank Paula, Dee and Peta for their planning along with Kirsty Miller and Jess Rainsford for the catering support.  We thank those that have walked the journey with us and we look forward to what the future holds for everyone.

“I know the plans I have in mind for you, plans of peace, reserving a future full of hope for you.” (Jeremiah 29:11)