Dear Parents and Guardians,
Building Update #1 – As you would have read in our first Building Update that was sent to all families last week, the building project has begun!
It has been wonderful to see Pascale Builders on site and setting up the construction zone for the first stage of the project – the development of the new Junior Primary building.
Over the next 6 months, Pascale Builders will be focusing their energies on completing the Junior Primary building, before commencing on the new Administration / Front Office building.
Please keep an eye out for further updates – many of these will provide you with information important to you and your child. Our school website will also have updates regularly added to it.
During the construction period, there will be times when carparking and traffic around the school will be challenging during the peak drop off and pick up times. I ask you to PLEASE be mindful of:
- staying updated with the current notifications
- aware of neighbours and not parking across driveways
- blocking the entrance/exit to the carpark – if the line-up is not moving, please loop around the school
- walking through the carpark. With the footpath closed along the playground edge, Pascale have created a temporary walkway for families to use.
Our Carpark is a SHARED space, please make sure you do not park in the Parish Priest or mass attendee’s carpark. Even if it is going to be a ‘quick drop off’, these are reserved.
As we approach the end of the term, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the events that have taken place in our school community as we look forward to the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.
Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the success of our community events. The Carnevale was a vibrant celebration of our diverse community, filled with joy and laughter. The whole school dancing was an absolute highlight. I congratulate Signora Larritt for her wonderful efforts in bringing this rich cultural celebration to life for our children.
Shrove Tuesday was also celebrate, with close to 400 pancakes cooked and served – I hear MR CAT’S were the best! A very special thank you to the P&F for donating the toppings and mix for our Pancakes, along with some special helpers who brought it all together. Lucy, Genevieve, Alana, Kirsty and Hamish all volunteered their time to help this celebration, THANK YOU.
The Ash Wednesday mass was a wonderful celebration with the parish as a meaningful start to the Lenten season, reminding us of the importance of repentance.
Our Getting to Know You Conversations have been reported as a wonderful opportunity for parents and teachers to connect and discuss the progress of our students. Thank you for your participation in these conversations.
The Welcome BBQ was another successful event organised by the P&F committee, that brought our school community together in a spirit of friendship and connection. OMG Donuts were an absolute hit, thank you to the volunteers who jumped on the BBQ at the last minute to make sure the snags were cooked and ready to serve.
The AGM was yet another example of the commitment of our families in being an active part in our school community. Thank you to our 2025 School Board Members:
- Father Long Hai
- Ben Catalano
- Claire Little
- Kelly Sergi
- Dave Wylie
- Gemma Smyth
- Chris Trewin
- Regan Marshall
- Kirsty Miller
- Reena Parmar
- David Marshall (P&F Rep)
- Jane O'Donoghue (P&F Rep)
In the past fortnight we have had NAPLAN for all Year 3 and 5 children. The NAPLAN assessments that our students undertook was approached with resilience and determination, and we are proud of their efforts. Each child completed assessments in Writing, Reading Comprehension, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. The results will provide valuable insights into our students’ learning progress and help us improve our teaching strategies.
As we move towards Holy Week, we are reminded of the journey that Jesus took for us. The week begins with Palm Sunday, which commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This is followed by the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, the Crucifixion on Good Friday, and finally the joyous celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Easter is a time of renewal and rebirth, a time to reflect on our own lives and how we can bring the message of Jesus into our daily actions.
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all parents, teachers, and students for their continued support and commitment to our school community.
God Bless,